Kana'ani: US-Israeli Joint Statement Targets Entire Muslim States

Young journalists club

News ID: 57253
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 20:01 - 15 July 2022
Friday,15 July 2022 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said the joint statement by the US President and Israeli prime minister targets entire Muslim States.

Kana'ani: US-Israeli Joint Statement Targets Entire Muslim StatesIn a message on his twitter account, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana'ani said the joint statement by the US President and Israeli prime minister targets entire Muslim States.

“Biden-Lapid joint statement on stable and firm commitment of the US emphasized on maintaining security and military superiority of Israel," he wrote and added that “it should not be mistaken and think that their target is merely Iran, nut in fact Arab and Islamic countries should constantly accept superiority of the Zionist regime.”

He finally added “therefore, the main source of threat for the region is evident.”

A joint statement is signed between the US president and the Israeli prime minister on their strategic partnership.

Maintaining and enhancing Tel Aviv’s capability in deterring its enemies and defending itself in the face of any threat is emphasized in the agreement.

US underlines that one of the essentials of the commitment is complying with "preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapon forever".

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