FM Spox. Rejected Allegations Made by the Zionist’s FM

Young journalists club

News ID: 57222
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 23:31 - 25 June 2022
Saturday, 25 June 2022 (YJC)_ The Iranian foreign ministry rejected the Zionist Foregin Ministers’ allegations about Tehran.

FM Spox. Rejected Allegations Made by the Zionist’s FMReleasing a statement, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh rejected the Zionist Foregin Ministers’ allegations about Tehran.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid recently claimed in a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu in Turkey that Iran was behind attempted terrorist attacks against Israelis in the Turkish metropolitan city of Istanbul.

In reaction to that, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said such are a part of a plot orchestrated Zionists to sow discord between the two neighboring Muslim countries.

He went on to add that “a week ago a psychological operation started in media to prepare the ground for the Israeli foreign minister's projective scenario, Ankara is well aware of the baseless nature of his remarks.”

 He also noted that Iran strongly responds to any Israeli act of terror without threatening citizens.

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