Josep Borrell: We will boycott Russian oil

Young journalists club

News ID: 57113
Publish Date: 11:39 - 30 May 2022
Monday, 30 May 2022 (YJC)_ The EU foreign policy chief has promised an agreement on the issue, despite disagreements and fruitless efforts to impose sanctions on Russian oil.

Josep Borrell: We will boycott Russian oilDespite the failure of the Russian oil embargo due to differences within the EU member states, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that Russian oil would definitely be sanctioned in the next sanctions package.

As the dispute between the EU member states continued, the Western bloc's attempt to reach an agreement on a Russian oil embargo over its invasion of Ukraine was again unsuccessful.

EU members reportedly failed to agree on a Russian oil embargo on Sunday (yesterday) but still intend to push it forward in Monday and Tuesday.

According to the Associated Press, EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell promised on Monday (today) that member states' internal differences over Russia's oil embargo would be resolved. "We will not lose the oil embargo in the next round of sanctions against Russia," he said.

The EU foreign policy chief added:
In the end (on the Russian oil embargo on the EU) there will be an agreement. We will agree on the next package of sanctions by Monday afternoon.

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