Lavrov: Turkey can not remain indifferent to the developments in Syria

Young journalists club

News ID: 57094
Publish Date: 13:58 - 28 May 2022
Saturday, 28 May 2022 (YJC)_ Defending the presence of Russian troops in Syria, the Russian Foreign Minister said that Turkey could not be indifferent to the developments in Syria.

Lavrov: Turkey can not remain indifferent to the developments in SyriaRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed the illegality of the presence of foreign troops in Syria and spoke about Turkey's position.

In an interview with Russia Today, the Russian Foreign Minister announced that he would continue to support the Syrian government in retaking its territory.

According to the Turkish daily Yeni فقafak, Sergei Lavrov said in the interview that Turkey could not remain indifferent to the developments in Syria.

In an interview with Russia Today, he also stressed that Russia's presence in Syria was in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2544 and at the invitation of the Syrian government.

The Russian foreign minister also stressed that Moscow would continue to support the Syrian government in regaining all of its consent.

"US troops have occupied a significant part of Syrian territory on the east bank of the Euphrates," Lavrov said, referring to the presence of "uninvited" foreign troops in Syria.

According to the senior Moscow diplomat, the purpose of the American presence in a large part of Syria is to create a "so-called government."

In the interview, the Russian foreign minister stressed that Moscow, like any other group in Syria, was in contact with the Kurds in Syria and asked them to continue talks with Damascus.

He added that an agreement that can guarantee the coexistence of all parties in a unified country would be the best solution.

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