Lavrov: The West has declared full-scale war against the Russian world

Young journalists club

News ID: 57081
Publish Date: 14:46 - 27 May 2022
Friday, 27 May 2022 (YJC)_ Russia's foreign minister said the West had declared full-scale war against Russia and the rest of the world and would not hide the fact.

Lavrov: The West has declared full-scale war against the Russian worldRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said today (Friday) in a meeting with Russian regional leaders that a confrontation between the West and Russia is a "full-blown war."

He added that Russian society and its main political forces support the government's decision to meet this challenge.

"Russophobia, which is unfortunately promoted by a number of governments, has reached unprecedented levels," Lavrov was quoted as saying by RT.
Western countries are doubling, tripling and quadrupling their efforts to deter our nation. They use a wide range of tools, from unilateral economic sanctions to utterly deceptive propaganda in the global media.

The head of the Russian diplomatic service further stated:
The West has declared full war against us, against the whole Russian world. No one even hides this fact now. The "culture of annulment" that targets everything related to our nation has become absurd.

Russia's foreign minister said his country responded to the pressure by uniting all patriotic forces and increasing public support for its foreign policy.

russia ، west ، war
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