Disaster in Texas 18; students were killed in the shooting

Young journalists club

News ID: 57058
Publish Date: 8:58 - 25 May 2022
Wednesday, 25 May 2022 (YJC)_ A shooting at a school in Ovald, Texas has killed at least 21 people, including 18 children.

Disaster in Texas 18; students were killed in the shootingThe Texas governor said a shooting at a school in Ovald, Texas, killed 21 people and injured several others.

ABC News also reported that 18 children were killed in the shooting.

The city of Ovald, which is predominantly Latin, is located 77 miles west of San Antonio. Since the beginning of 2022, the United States has seen about 200 blindfolds.

In a recent report on the problem of free arms shipments in the United States, CNN wrote:
According to a study by the Strict Weapons Laws Save Lives in 50 states, there is a direct link between states that enforce strict gun laws and those that are weak in enforcing violence. There are guns.

CNN added:
For example, in the state of Mississippi, which has the weakest enforcement of gun laws, 2020 saw the worst case of firearm violence. But in the state of California, where the strictest gun laws are enforced, only eight shootings have been reported.

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