Sanaa: Saudi coalition does not care about ceasefire; We do not have to renew it

Young journalists club

News ID: 57054
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 7:58 - 25 May 2022
Wednesday, 25 May 2022 (YJC)_ The Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister stressed that the Saudi coalition does not care about the implementation of the provisions of the Yemeni ceasefire, and that Sanaa will not have to renew its ceasefire as long as the Yemeni people continue to suffer.

Sanaa: Saudi coalition does not care about ceasefire; We do not have to renew it"Talking about a ceasefire in Yemen is more than what is being done in practice," Jalal al-Rawishan, deputy prime minister of the Yemeni National Salvation Government for defense and security, said in a statement Tuesday evening.

According to Al-Masira, the Yemeni official clarified:
The aggressor [Saudi-Emirati] coalition is not committed to complying with what was agreed in the ceasefire clauses.

Al-Rawishan said that the Saudi aggressor coalition has violated the ceasefire thousands of times.
We reported all these violations to the Office of the UN Special Envoy in Yemen, but to no avail.

He emphasized:
As long as the suffering of the Yemeni people continues, we will not have to extend the ceasefire.

A ceasefire has been in place between Sanaa forces and the Saudi-Emirati coalition and coalition militants since April 2nd. This was the first firefight in seven years to be carried out across Yemen. But Sanaa said that Saudi Arabia violated the ceasefire and did not allow a flight from Sanaa airport to evacuate the wounded outside Yemen until the middle of the second month, according to the terms of the ceasefire.

Another week of ceasefire ends, and Sanaa insists that the Saudi coalition has not fulfilled its obligations during this period.

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