Saudi Deputy Defense Minister meets with US envoy to Yemen

Young journalists club

News ID: 57020
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:39 - 22 May 2022
Sunday, 22 May 2022 (YJC)_ The Saudi Deputy Defense Minister met with the US Special Envoy for Yemen.

Saudi Deputy Defense Minister meets with US envoy to YemenSaudi Deputy Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman Al Saud met with US Special Envoy to Yemen Tim Linderking.

Khalid bin Salman wrote on his Twitter account after the meeting:
I met with the US Special Envoy to Yemen, Linder King, to discuss developments in Yemen and our desire for a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni peace and development of Yemen.

He added:
I stressed to him (Linder King) that despite the positive ceasefire, the important role played by the United Nations and the international community in putting pressure on the Houthis to open the Taiz routes, depositing the revenues of Al-Hudaidah port and making serious efforts to achieve peace and security and stability. In Yemen, it is necessary.

The UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grandberg, announced in early April that the parties to the agreement in Yemen had agreed to a two-month ceasefire. The ceasefire agreement emphasizes the need for specific flights from Sanaa Airport and the opening of routes to the city of Taiz in southwestern Yemen.

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