Ankara: Countries seeking NATO membership should not sponsor terrorists

Young journalists club

News ID: 56993
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 8:27 - 19 May 2022
Thursday, 19 May 2022 (YJC)_ The Turkish Foreign Minister said that countries wishing to join NATO should address Ankara's security concerns and stop supporting terrorists.

Ankara: Countries seeking NATO membership should not sponsor terroristsTurkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşo‌lu on Thursday morning reiterated Ankara's opposition to Finland and Sweden's membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Cavusoglu, who is in New York, told reporters:
NATO must understand our security concerns, and we will not accept the support of some members for terrorist organizations.

According to the website of TRT World, he referred to the differences between the United States and Turkey in recent years over Washington's support for terrorist groups:
We are working to resolve disputes with Washington.

The senior Turkish diplomat continued:
Our goal is to improve cooperation and engagement, and the US Congress' approach to Turkey is promising. Delivery of F-35 fighter jets, however, is essential for Turkey.

Asked about Turkey's stance on NATO enlargement, Çavuşo‌lu said:
It is unacceptable for us that countries seeking NATO membership support terrorist groups that target Turkey.

In meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in New York, he said:
Blinken said the necessary messages would be conveyed about Turkey's concerns. We told him that Washington should balance its policies towards Turkey and Greece.

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