Beijing: NATO policies have rekindled war on continental Europe

Young journalists club

News ID: 56849
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:18 - 07 May 2022
Saturday, 7 May 2022 (YJC)_ Referring to the anniversary of the brutal NATO attack on the Chinese embassy on May 7, 1999, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that the organization's countermeasures had rekindled the war in Europe.

Beijing: NATO policies have rekindled war on continental EuropeA Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed on Friday that the Chinese people would never forget the brutal bombing of the Beijing embassy in Belgrade in 1999 and would never allow such a tragedy to happen again.

Speaking at a weekly news conference, Zhao Lijian recalled the anniversary of the brutal bombing of the NATO embassy by NATO during the Balkan Wars. The attack killed three Chinese journalists and injured more than 20 Chinese diplomats.

He further added:
NATO claims to be a defense organization, but in fact has repeatedly violated international law, deliberately waged war against independent states, undermined international peace and security, and displaced or killed large numbers of civilians.

Referring to NATO's expansion to the east after the Cold War, Zhao Lijian said:
Not only has this not made Europe safer, but it has also set the stage for the Ukraine-Russia crisis and the resumption of war on the European continent.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman called on NATO to abandon its Cold War mentality and stop provoking bloc confrontation and tensions in Europe.

Despite warnings from China and Russia about NATO expansion, which has exacerbated tensions in Europe, the organization continues to pursue expansionism and militarism in Eastern Europe, with Finland and Sweden joining the organization.

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