Iranian Embassy in Oman: Compatriots and businessmen beware of profiteers

Young journalists club

News ID: 56832
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:05 - 06 May 2022
Friday, 6 May 2022 (YJC)_ The Iranian embassy in Muscat in a statement, referring to profiteers who engage in unrealistic propaganda and receive huge expenses under the pretext of holding an exhibition in Oman, advised compatriots to contact the embassy before taking any action to participate in the exhibition or festival. Or inquire about other relevant aspects within the country.

Iranian Embassy in Oman: Compatriots and businessmen beware of profiteersThe Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Oman in a statement addressed to Iranian compatriots, especially economic and trade activists, announced:
Recently, it has been observed that some profiteers who do not have professional qualifications, without obtaining the necessary permits from the relevant authorities of the country and abusing the lack of information of some economic actors, including businessmen and entrepreneurs, about the rules and regulations governing business events and Culture in Oman, has carried out unrealistic propaganda and received huge expenses under the pretext of holding an exhibition or festival in Oman, and while inflicting losses on them and not fulfilling the promises made, to the capability and credibility of the products and exports of the Islamic Republic of Iran They cause damage.

The announcement states:
On the other hand, unfortunately, these profiteers, sometimes unrealistically, state that they hold their programs with the coordination and support of this embassy. Therefore, our compatriots are advised to The embassy or other relevant departments inside the country, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Trade Development Organization of Iran or the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, etc., should inquire about the permission to hold the mentioned events.

The statement added:
It is worth mentioning that the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Oman has an official website and pages in cyberspace and informs about any economic, commercial, cultural and social events, including the holding of exhibitions.

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