Washington: We will not hinder Iran-Russia nuclear cooperation

Young journalists club

News ID: 56798
Publish Date: 11:33 - 03 May 2022
Tuesday, 3 May 2022 (YJC)_ US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has said that if Borjam is revived, Washington will not block a $ 10 billion nuclear deal between Iran and Russia.

Washington: We will not hinder Iran-Russia nuclear cooperationThe Washington Free Bacon news website reports that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made it clear to members of Congress late last week that if they agreed in the Vienna talks to revive the UN Security Council and lift unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Biden government will not block the implementation of a $ 10 billion agreement between Iran and Russia to build part of the country's nuclear infrastructure.

According to the report, Blinken made it clear for the first time at a meeting of the House Foreign Affairs Committee that the Biden administration would not pursue Iran-Russia nuclear cooperation.

California Republican Rep. Darrell Isa called on the US Secretary of State to ensure that sanctions against the Islamic Republic and Russia remain in place as long as Moscow continues its unwarranted war in Ukraine.

Asked by a Republican, Anthony Blinken said any sanctions lifted as part of a new nuclear deal with Iran would be separate from the current US-Russia campaign, meaning that the $ 10 billion deal between Tehran and Moscow remains in place. 

Blinken explained:
The actions that Russia will take under the agreement (JCPOA), if a return to the agreement is made, have nothing to do with the sanctions imposed on Russia because of its actions in Ukraine.

usa ، iran ، russia ، nuclear
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