European legislator: Sanctions against Iran, Iraq and Syria are crimes against humanity

Young journalists club

News ID: 56739
Publish Date: 10:20 - 28 April 2022
Thursday, 28 April 2022 (YJC)_ The Irish representative in the European Parliament criticized Washington's policy of imposing sanctions on its opponents, calling the former US Secretary of State a "war criminal".

European legislator: Sanctions against Iran, Iraq and Syria are crimes against humanityEuropean Parliament lawmaker Mick Wallace said imposing US sanctions on various countries, including Iran, Iraq, Syria, Venezuela and Cuba, was a crime against humanity.

Wallace wrote on his Twitter page on Thursday morning, referring to the funeral of former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright:
Sanctions against Iraq, which war criminal Madeleine Albright believed was worth [killing Iraqi children], were a collective punishment against the Iraqi people.

Citing other countries that have been subjected to harsh US sanctions, he added:
[Sanctions against Iraq] killed 500,000 children - a crime against humanity - as are today's sanctions against Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Cuba, Afghanistan and other countries.

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