The release of the US National Strategy against China in the coming weeks

Young journalists club

News ID: 56726
Publish Date: 13:19 - 27 April 2022
Wednesday, 27 April 2022 (YJC)_ The US State Department plans to formulate and publish its national strategy towards China in the coming weeks.

The release of the US National Strategy against China in the coming weeksUS Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Tuesday evening that he would work out a national security strategy expected in the coming weeks to confront China as a major power.

"The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing," Blinken said.
I think in the coming weeks I will have the opportunity to talk publicly and in detail about the strategy.

According to Reuters, Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said at the meeting that the latest defense authorization law requires the US president to have a comprehensive strategy to counter China's threat to world order. Blinken asked about the military agreement recently signed by the Solomon Islands and China.

The US Secretary of State stated in this regard:
The State Department has sent a high-level delegation to the Solomon Islands and plans to open an embassy for a permanent visit to the islands.

According to the report, Blinken said:
We are also concerned about this agreement. The US delegation met with the Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands and he promised that there would be no Chinese military bases on the island.

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