Commander-in-Chief of the Army: Martyr General Qarni stood strong against the separatists

Young journalists club

News ID: 56675
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:59 - 23 April 2022
23 April 2022_ General Mousavi said: "Martyr Qarni accepted the responsibility of the army in the most sensitive and complex critical conditions of the days after the victory of the revolution and was able to successfully stand against the separatists and those who sought the dissolution of the army."

Commander-in-Chief of the Army: Martyr General Qarni stood strong against the separatistsAmir Major General Seyed Abdolrahim Mousavi, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said about the personality dimensions of Amir General Shahid Mohammad Wali Qarni, the first Chief of the Joint Staff of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
Martyr Qarni was a pious, revolutionary, scientist, visionary, provincial and with a deep anti-arrogant spirit and was very patriotic and aware of his duties and responsibilities.

He continued:
Martyr Qarni accepted the responsibility of the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the most sensitive and complex critical conditions of the days after the victory of the glorious Islamic Revolution.

Referring to the conditions of the early period of the Islamic Revolution, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army stated:
Martyr Qarni accepted the post of Joint Chiefs of Staff in a situation where he had to stand both against the enemies of the revolution and the separatists, as well as against those who sought the complete dissolution and destruction of the army in order to cut off this powerful arm for their conspiracies.

In the end, General Mousavi noted:
He was able to complete this heavy and complex task in the best possible way and leave a very good name and a very proud memory of himself in the history of the glorious Islamic Revolution.

iran ، army ، martyrs
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