Johnson likened Putin to a "crocodile."

Young journalists club

News ID: 56663
Publish Date: 12:52 - 21 April 2022
Thursday, 21 April 2022 (YJC)_ In an insulting statement, the British prime minister likened the talks with Putin to a dialogue with a crocodile, claiming that this is why Ukraine's peace talks with Russia are likely to fail.

Johnson likened Putin to a The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made insulting remarks during his visit to India, claiming that any peace talks on Ukraine were likely to fail, as talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin could be compared to a crocodile. Johnson said interacting with Putin is like a crocodile sticking its foot in your jaw.

"It is vital that the West continues to arm Ukraine," Johnson told reporters, according to Reuters.
It is very difficult to understand how the Ukrainians can negotiate with Putin now, given his apparent lack of goodwill. His strategy, as is evident, is to try to devour and occupy Ukraine as far as he can, and perhaps have some kind of negotiation from a position of power.

He added:
World leaders, including US President Joe Biden, agreed this week in a call that they would continue to supply weapons, including artillery, to Kiev as Russia intensifies its attacks on eastern Ukraine.

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