Gharibabadi Uk’s Plan on Refugees a Breach of International Commitments

Young journalists club

News ID: 56651
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 22:49 - 20 April 2022
Wednesday, 20 April 2022 (YJC)_ Iran's Secretary of Judiciary Human Rights Council said British government’s decision to send the refugees to Rwanda is a breach of its international commitments.

Gharibabadi Uk’s Plan on Refugees a Breach of International CommitmentsIn a twitter message, Iran's Secretary of Judiciary Human Rights Council Kazem Gharibabadi condemned British government’s decision to send the refugees to Rwanda.

“The British government’s plan to forcefully transfer asylum seekers is a breach of its international commitments and responsibilities. The move entirely neglects human and ethical considerations. THE UK's DARK HUMAN RIGHTS RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF!" he wrote.

Prior to this on Thursday, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that some of the migrants and asylum seekers illegally entering Britain would be sent to Rwanda.

Also on Saturday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh reacted to this plan and said it is withdrawing the country’s international obligations.

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