Haaretz: We are worried about the transfer of the Quds conflict to other areas

Young journalists club

News ID: 56621
Publish Date: 14:46 - 18 April 2022
Monday, 18 April 2022 (YJC)_ Israeli media report Zionist concern over escalation of conflict in occupied Palestine.

Haaretz: We are worried about the transfer of the Quds conflict to other areasToday (Monday) the Israeli media reported the concerns of the occupying forces about the escalation of the conflict in Jerusalem and other cities.

According to the Al-Mayadin network, and quoting the Hebrew-language newspaper Haaretz, the Zionist regime's military and police forces are afraid of escalating clashes in occupied Jerusalem and are concerned about the transfer of these tensions to other Arab cities, especially the Zionist areas.

Haaretz writes:
These concerns stem from the widespread publication of content on social media; Articles published following Israel's attempt to seize Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The media quoted the Tel Aviv military and police as saying that there was talk of a possible operation by Hamas activists and Palestinian officials linked to Islamic endowment institutions.

The newspaper revealed that the Tel Aviv police are preparing to confront possible demonstrations in the cities of "Arab" and "Haifa" from this evening. The Zionist military is also preparing to build a priestly quarters near the Al-Baraq wall; Where a large number of Jewish worshipers are now expected to attend. This causes the Israeli police to increase the number of their troops for fear of Palestinian reactions.

These fears come as the Zionist attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, which started on Friday, have continued until today. Al-Mayadin reporter also reported this morning that settlers attacked the mosque with the support of the occupying Israeli forces.

Thousands of Palestinians in various occupied territories have been protesting against the occupation for days; Now, the occupiers, by increasing their security measures and the number of their troops, are seeking to ensure the security of the settlers and to continue the attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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