Sunday, 17 April 2022 (YJC)_ "The governments of the Muslim countries must unanimously condemn the crimes of the Zionist regime with their nations," he said.
Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, in his speech before his order in the public session of the Islamic Consultative Assembly today (Sunday), while congratulating Imam Hassan on his happy birthday, said:
The instructions of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution in his meeting with the agents of the regime were a collection of deep moral reminders and precise work recommendations that show the way to cross the tortuous path of the efficiency of the regime.
The Speaker of the Parliament stated:
Considering God's pleasure in work, avoiding dramatic behaviors, avoiding pride and passivity, and seizing the opportunity of responsibility, is a duty for all public officials.
He continued:
Distinguished Members of Parliament, these guidelines should be specifically implemented; Because in many parts of the country, the representatives are the closest example of state officials in the eyes of the people, and the right and wrong actions of a representative will play an effective role in the people's trust in the system as a whole.
Qalibaf noted:
The Supreme Leader of the Revolution also had an important recommendation in this meeting that the sections related to the parliament will surely be considered by all the deputies.
The Speaker of the Parliament stated:
Given the great importance of the Seventh Development Plan, it is necessary to explain that the Eleventh Parliament believes that by determining the main economic, cultural and social impulses, the programming model of the Seventh Plan should be changed so that instead of generalizing and approving a set of unattainable ideals, the operational plan Approve it to coordinate and harmonize all the capacities of the country on specific priorities.
He added:
In this regard, since last year, expert discussions have taken place in the parliamentary commissions and the research center, and the parliament is ready to approve this program in coordination with the government as soon as possible. Another very important point that needs to be considered by the executive officials is the situation of inflation, especially the main data-x-items of livelihood and welfare of the people. It is true that the root causes of inflation are due to the actions of previous governments, but this does not negate the role of the relevant agencies in controlling prices, and I hope that their round-the-clock efforts to curb inflation will be resolved as soon as possible.
Qalibaf noted:
We strongly condemn the deliberate killing of the oppressed people of Palestine by the Zionist criminals and the desecration of Al-Qassa Mosque. Such actions show the growing fear of the occupying Zionist regime of the courageous resistance of the Palestinian people.
The Speaker of the Parliament stated:
We warn the occupiers that the fire of Muslim anger is burning more than ever and that a severe and crushing punishment awaits them. The blood of the martyr separates the solution from the obvious, the Mujahideen for the sake of God, the determined and the ranks of the hypocrites from the believers. Palestine is more awake than ever, and the death knell of the occupiers and the aggressors has been rung.
He added:
Thanks to God, the Muslim youth, especially the Palestinian Mujahideen youth, will take revenge on their brothers and sisters from the murderous and corrupt Zionists, and the Islamic Republic of Iran will support the new intifada of the honorable and brave Palestinian people until the final goal is achieved. Powerful resistance around the world will thwart the plans of the Zionist enemy.
Qalibaf noted:
During the holy month of Ramadan, the governments of the Muslim countries must unanimously condemn the crimes of the occupying and declining Zionist regime with their awake and zealous nations.
He said:
Undoubtedly, the governments that have remained silent about the killing of Palestinians are considered accomplices of criminals in the eyes of Muslims. Anyone who does not support the Palestinian people in practice today and does not take action to cut off the iodine of the Zionist criminals has risen to war with God, even if he fasts and prays, except that God befriends those who are with you in religion. They have fought and driven you out of their land, or they have plotted to drive you out.