Price comments on the release of part of Iran's funds

Young journalists club

News ID: 56585
Publish Date: 13:14 - 15 April 2022
Friday, 15 April 2022 (YJC)_ A State Department spokesman said two parallel routes were now being pursued with Iran; One in the context of Vienna for a reciprocal return to full implementation of the UN Security Council, and the other for the release of American citizens detained in Iran.

Price comments on the release of part of Iran's fundsUS State Department spokesman Ned Price told a news conference yesterday (Thursday, April 14) when asked about the latest information on talks with Iran and whether a new meeting will be held in Vienna soon and whether the United States is freeing Iran's blocked funds. Did, or is aware that none of its allies did.

Price replied:
All our sanctions will remain in force, and all our sanctions will remain in force until and when we can not achieve a reciprocal return to the JCPOA.

According to the US State Department website, he further claimed regarding the release of part of Iran's blocked assets:
It is very unfortunate that we see some stories that are false and completely false, not only about sanctions, or the report on the lifting of sanctions, but also related to or how it is combined with false claims about the agreement (release) of a prisoner.

Price claimed:
The fact is that unfortunately we have not made any progress to announce. Any information about our negotiations with the illegally detained American detainees in Iran is provided directly by the State Department. We know there is a lot of misinformation. We urge everyone to be cautious about these reports. But the fact is that two parallel paths with Iran are now being pursued; One, as we have said, is within the framework of Vienna for the reciprocal return to full implementation of the JCPOA, and the other is for the release of all four American citizens who are unjustly detained in Iran.

A State Department spokesman continued the allegations, saying:
Unfortunately, none of these negotiations have been successful at this stage. Any other report, including, as you mentioned, that Iranian funds held in restricted accounts held in third countries are incorrect, and that our partners have not provided these restricted funds to Iran, and that the United States has not made any transfers. Has not authorized or approved funds limited to Iran.

He added:
We will continue to call for both of these negotiations as soon as possible. We ask Iran to do the same. We ask Iran to allow American citizens Baqer and Siamak Namazi, Emad Sharghi and Murad Tahabaz to return home.

iran ، usa ، sanctions ، jcpoa ، fund
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