Three martyrs in the West Bank and announcing a general strike

Young journalists club

News ID: 56571
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:25 - 14 April 2022
Thursday, 14 April 2022 (YJC)_ In the past 24 hours, three young Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli soldiers in various parts of the West Bank.

Three martyrs in the West Bank and announcing a general strikeClashes continue in the Palestinian territories, and last night (Wednesday night) Israeli forces's attack on the West Bank killed several other young Palestinians.

A martyr in "Hussan"

According to Arab 48, a 16-year-old Palestinian named Qusay Hammareh from Husan was shot dead by Israeli forces last night near Bethlehem in the West Bank, and dozens of others were injured.

A martyr in "Salvad"

At the same time, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the martyrdom of another 20-year-old named Omar Mohammed Alyan in Salwad, northeast of Ramallah.

A martyr in Nablus

Yesterday, another young man named "Mohammad Hassan Assaf" (34 years old) in Nablus was shot and killed by Zionist militants in Nablus.

Announcing a general strike

Following this situation, the national and Islamic forces in Ramallah and Al-Bireh declared a general mourning and strike today (Thursday) and condemned the Zionist regime for its crimes in martyring the Palestinian youth, and called for the escalation of the clashes in the contact points.

Public mobilization call

On the other hand, Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy head of Hamas' political bureau, called on the Palestinians to mobilize publicly and confront the Israeli military attacks on various Palestinian cities.

According to Palestine Today, he called on the people to stand up to the Zionist regime's aggression by any means possible.

Occupied Zi has deployed thousands of troops along the West Bank border in recent weeks.

With the start of the holy month of Ramadan, the Zionist regime has intensified its pressure and actions against the Palestinians, which has led to an increase in the resistance of the Palestinian people and a new wave of martyrdom operations.

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