Le Pen's opposition to Russia's energy embargo

Young journalists club

News ID: 56555
Publish Date: 10:08 - 13 April 2022
Wednesday, 13 April 2022 (YJC)_ The French presidential candidate said in an interview on Tuesday that he was opposed to sanctions on Russia over energy exports.

Le Pen's opposition to Russia's energy embargoFrench presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said in an interview on Tuesday that he opposed the imposition of sanctions on Russia over energy exports, and that France would have to pay a heavy price for the restrictions.

Le Pen said in an interview that he was not opposed to Russian sanctions on other sectors of the economy.

She added in an interview with a French radio station:
I am here to support the interests of the French people. I oppose energy sanctions because I do not want the French people to face the consequences of such a decision.

Le Pen's remarks come as some have claimed that Le Pen is a "Russian Trojan horse" given her stance on Russia.

In response to these accusations, She said:
I'm not a Trojan horse.

She said that she supported anti-Russian sanctions that were not related to the energy sector.

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