Martyrdom operations in the West Bank

Young journalists club

News ID: 56415
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:43 - 31 March 2022
Thursday, 31 March 2022 (YJC)_ Another Palestinian was martyred during a resistance operation near the Gush Etzion settlement complex.

Martyrdom operations in the West BankToday (Thursday), a young Palestinian man was shot dead by Israeli forces near the Gush Etzion settlement complex for allegedly stabbing him.

According to the Arab 48 news website, the young Palestinian stabbed a Zionist resident to death and terrorized dozens of bus passengers during a resistance operation.

Zionist militants shot and severely wounded a young Palestinian man inside a settlement bus near Bethlehem. Israeli authorities announce the martyrdom of this young Palestinian.

This morning, before the martyrdom operation, Palestinian media reported that Israeli forces had attacked the Jenin camp, killing three Palestinians and wounding at least seven others.

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