Robert Malley: We can not guarantee the decision of the next US administration on Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 56386
Publish Date: 14:41 - 27 March 2022
Sunday, 27 March 2022 (YJC)_ The US administration's special envoy for Iran said the current US administration could not guarantee the next administration's decisions regarding a nuclear deal with Iran.

Robert Malley: We can not guarantee the decision of the next US administration on IranRobert Malley, the US government's special envoy to Iran, said on Sunday that the current White House resident could not guarantee the next US administration's decisions on a nuclear deal with Iran.

Speaking at the Doha summit, Malley claimed:
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps will remain under sanctions because this is a different matter from the nuclear deal.

He went on to point out that no decision has been made to remove the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from the list of US terrorist organizations:
The nuclear deal does not cover issues such as Iran's regional policies.

The representative of Iran in the US government added:
We are consulting with friendly countries in the region, including Qatar and Oman, to ensure the success of negotiations on a nuclear deal.

The US official said:
We will work with countries in the region to reduce tensions, regardless of the outcome of the Vienna talks.

Malley said Iran could not be guaranteed what the next US administration might do in the face of the nuclear deal.

He noted:
Despite the agreement on Iran's nuclear program, many sanctions will remain in place. I'm not sure we will come close to reaching this agreement.

The US official added:
The war between Russia and Ukraine has not changed Washington's position on a nuclear deal with Iran.

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