Members of parliament condemned seven years of crimes against the Yemeni people

Young journalists club

News ID: 56380
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:21 - 27 March 2022
Sunday, 27 March 2022 (YJC)_ Members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly condemned the crimes against the Yemeni people and the invasion of the Yemeni territory, and called for an end to the Yemeni war.

Members of parliament condemned seven years of crimes against the Yemeni peopleSeyyed Mohammad Reza Mirtaja al-Dini, Deputy Chairman of the Popular Faction of the Islamic Revolution in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, said:
Lawmakers issued a statement condemning the seven-year-old crimes against the Yemeni people and calling for an end to the aggression.

He added:
The statement said; Seven years after this devastating war against the independent state and the rising nation of Yemen, the double and selective confrontations between the countries claiming human rights and the United Nations and other international organizations claiming peace, freedom and the rights of nations have become increasingly apparent.

The full text of the delegates' statement is as follows:

Basmeh Ta'ali

March 26, 2015, the world witnessed the military aggression of the Saudi-led coalition forces against the oppressed people of Yemen. Now, 7 years after this devastating war against the independent country and the rising nation of Yemen, double and selective confrontations between the countries claiming human rights and the UN And other international organizations claiming peace, freedom, and the rights of nations have become more and more apparent to all, because these organizations are ruled by the arrogant and evil powers, and the oppressed of the world have no hope of defending their violated rights. The oppressed and pious people of Yemen, following their brave and resilient leaders, stood up to these aggressions with all their might, and with all their hardships, turned to a comprehensive jihad and popular mobilization, and with self-defense and offering thousands of martyrs and wounded, The enemy stopped the aggressor and liberated some of their occupied territories, and now they are on the verge of final victory with missile and drone strikes and ground operations. Over the past seven years, the brutal Saudi government, backed by the great devil of the criminal United States and its allies, has continued to bomb all Yemeni cities and villages, committing all kinds of war crimes and killing thousands of Yemeni children, men and women, and The oppressive blockade has prevented the arrival of medicine, food and humanitarian aid to Yemen, exposing millions of oppressed men, women and children to starvation, disease, poverty and destruction. The destruction and destruction of the economic resources and infrastructure of the Muslim country of Yemen have taken place, and the day will surely come when the murderous and oppressive rulers of Saudi Arabia and their supporters and allies will be tried as war criminals and punished for their criminal acts.

At the beginning of the eighth year of the devastating war in Yemen, we, the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, condemn this blatant aggression and call for an end to military attacks and the killing of the oppressed people of Yemen and the lifting of the siege. 

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