Yemeni Foreign Minister: The crimes of the Saudi coalition are unprecedented in history

Young journalists club

News ID: 56379
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 17:38 - 26 March 2022
Saturday, 26 March 2022 (YJC)_ The Yemeni foreign minister sent a written message to the foreign ministers of some countries in Sanaa on the anniversary of the Saudi coalition's invasion of his country.

Yemeni Foreign Minister: The crimes of the Saudi coalition are unprecedented in historyOn the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the start of the Yemeni war, the Foreign Minister of the Yemeni National Salvation Government (based in Sanaa), Hisham Sharaf, wrote in a message to the foreign ministers of all countries that the Saudi coalition has committed unprecedented crimes in Yemen over the past seven years.

According to Saba News Agency, he wrote:
We are on the seventh anniversary of the US-led invasion and siege of Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and in these seven years, the enemies have committed war crimes from day one that are unprecedented in history, crimes that are in clear violation of human rights and the Charter. The United Nations and international treaties.

Hisham Sharaf further wrote that the aggressors in Yemen are targeting the citizens and the government of Yemen in the first place and are working to increase the suffering of the civilians and the policy of keeping the Yemeni people hungry.

He called the blocking of fuel shipments into Yemeni ports and their closure and the continued closure of Sanaa airports, as well as the impact on the value of the Yemeni national currency, a humanitarian catastrophe that, according to the United Nations and international organizations, is the worst man-made in modern times. .

The Sanaa government foreign minister stressed that the aggressor US-Saudi-Emirati coalition continues to commit crimes because of the international community's double standards.

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