Palestinian Resistance: The expansion of settlements in Jerusalem is a blast of lightning

Young journalists club

News ID: 56298
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:29 - 18 March 2022
Friday, 18 March 2022 (YJC)_ Hamas and Islamic Jihad called the mushrooming of Zionist settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank a blatant aggression and crime, and warned of the consequences.

Palestinian Resistance: The expansion of settlements in Jerusalem is a blast of lightningHazem Qasim, spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), on Thursday condemned the Zionist regime's attempt to demolish land in southeastern occupied Jerusalem in order to build a Zionist settlement of 2,500 housing units there.

According to Al-Ahd, Qasim added:
The Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories in the West Bank and the occupied Jerusalem are a clear crime and aggression in the eyes of the world and a violation of all international laws and resolutions against the continuation of illegal settlements in Palestine.

He clarified:
Therefore, the Palestinian Authority must take immediate action to end security coordination with the occupying regime and open the hands of popular resistance against the settlers and settlers who are stealing Palestinian lands across the West Bank.

A Hamas spokesman added:
We call on the human rights organizations and the free people of the world to condemn and stop the settlements that are being built to Judaize the land of Palestine.

Qasim said:
The rapid expansion of settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank never gives the occupying regime legitimacy in occupying the historic land of Palestine, and less than the will of our nation and its insistence on adherence to the land and all forms of resistance in support of Palestinian land until its complete liberation and return of Palestinian refugees. does not.

Ahmad al-Mudallal, an official of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, also stressed that with the escalation of the Zionist regime's crimes to Judaize occupied Jerusalem, a real battle has begun in the city and lightning is a new explosion that has begun to ignite.

The model said:
The Palestinian people and its groups will not back down from confronting the occupying regime. The city of Jerusalem is on a barrel of gunpowder that will explode on the occupiers, and this is the battle of all Palestinians.

"Al-Quds is always on the table of Palestinian groups," he said.
Last May, the battle of Saif al-Quds with the Zionist regime continues, and Quds is the center of the conflict with the enemy.

The model emphasized:
Palestinian groups support the city of Al-Quds and its inhabitants, who are the arrowhead of the Arab and Islamic ummah in the face of the crimes of the occupying regime against Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

He called on the Palestinian people to support the people of Jerusalem by holding demonstrations in all Palestinian lands.

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