Sanaa: Al-Saud is waiting for the dire consequences of the execution of two Yemeni prisoners

Young journalists club

News ID: 56258
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:28 - 13 March 2022
Sunday, 13 March 2022 (YJC)_ The Committee for the Affairs of Yemeni Prisoners said that the Saudi regime's execution of two Yemeni prisoners of war is against all laws and charters, and that the regime is waiting for the dire consequences of this crime.

Sanaa: Al-Saud is waiting for the dire consequences of the execution of two Yemeni prisonersThe Yemeni National Committee for Prisoners of War said:
We learned that among the dozens of people executed by the Al-Saud regime, there were two Yemeni prisoners who were taken to the execution site out of oppression and hostility.

The committee called the Saudi regime's execution of prisoners of war contrary to all international laws and charters, and said:
The execution of Hakim al-Batini and Haidar al-Shuzali, two Yemeni prisoners, will have dire consequences for the Al-Saud regime, and it will be impossible to remain silent in the face of this crime.

The Association of Yemeni Scholars also condemned the crimes of the Al-Saud regime in executing dozens of people on charges of links to terrorism, saying:
The execution of 81 innocent Muslims from the children of the Hejaz and the eastern region of Saudi Arabia, as well as from Yemeni nationals, is in clear violation of the religion of Islam and just judicial rulings, and this crime was committed for political and sectarian reasons.

The association condemned the silence of the international community and human rights institutions in the face of this crime and said:
We call on the Yemeni people to respond to the crimes of the Al-Saud regime by continuing their resistance and financial support and sending troops to the battlefields.

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