Lebanese President emphasizes the need to eliminate divisions among Arab countries

Young journalists club

News ID: 56189
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:28 - 08 March 2022
Tuesday, 8 March 2022 (YJC)_ The Lebanese president stressed the need for solidarity between the Arab countries and the unification of their positions in order to attend the summit before the Arab leaders.

The Lebanese presidency announced on MonLebanese President emphasizes the need to eliminate divisions among Arab countriesday that Lebanese President Michel Aoun had received a letter from his Algerian counterpart, Abdel Majid Taboun, about the situation in the Arab world and preparations for the Arab summit.

"In a letter delivered to Algerian Foreign Minister Ramat Lamara, Aoun said:
Our Arab nation has capabilities in every way that will enable it to overcome the divisive stage it is going through, and we value the fraternal relations with Lebanon and we are eager to raise it to a higher level.

Aoun stressed that Lebanon welcomes any Arab summit and will be at the forefront of the countries that will participate in the Arab summit:
The current situation requires more than ever the solidarity between the Arab countries and the strengthening of the unity of their position.

After meeting with Aoun, the Algerian Foreign Minister said:
We welcome the Kuwaiti plan (to resolve the Algerian dispute with the Gulf Cooperation Council), which has been taken very seriously by Lebanese political circles.

Hessam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, recently told reporters after his visit to Algeria that the Arab League summit would not take place before Ramadan, or in late May or early June.

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