The martyrdom of a Palestinian teenager shot by the Zionists

Young journalists club

News ID: 56175
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:13 - 07 March 2022
Monday, 7 March 2022 (YJC)_ Zionist militants shot dead a 16-year-old Palestinian teenager in East Jerusalem.

The martyrdom of a Palestinian teenager shot by the ZionistsThe Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that 16-year-old Yaman Nafiz Jafal was shot dead by Israeli soldiers in the city of Abu Dhabi in occupied Jerusalem.

According to Al-Ahd, fierce clashes broke out in the city following the Zionist attack on Abu Dais, during which Yamen was shot and martyred.

The report further states that the Zionist regime's soldiers threw tear gas at the ambulance that was coming to rescue the wounded and prevented it from reaching; Meanwhile, a number of Palestinians also suffocated from inhaling toxic gases.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasim said:
The martyrdom of this Palestinian teenager is a full-blown war crime that shows the terrorist face of the occupying regime and its leaders.

He continued:
The Zionist regime's insistence on committing these inhumane crimes underscores the regime's disregard for all laws and decisions of international organizations.

Hazem Qasim added:
The international community must stand up in the criminal court to punish the leaders of the occupying regime as war criminals. These crimes will not stop the just struggle of the Palestinian people for the recapture of the land and the sanctuaries, as well as the creation of a Palestinian state in the center of Jerusalem.

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