Zarif’s nuclear report in closed session with Majlis

Young journalists club

News ID: 5611
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:25 - 29 November 2014
Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker provides details of top Iranian nuclear negotiator’s report to the Majlis.

Member of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee said that in a closed session with lawmakers, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif asserted that Iran would start its 20-pct uranium enrichment if the West does not live up to its obligations.

The lawmaker speaking on condition of anonymity stated that the Iranian legislative body would only agree to a "good” agreement with Western powers and "would never sign a bad agreement.”

A good agreement consists of the revocation of all sanctions, he asserted.

"In this session Mr. Zarif presented reports on the number of sessions that the negotiation team had held with European, American, and Asian groups in Vienna,” another lawmaker reported.

He added "In this session, Zarif did not provide any information beyond what has been said in the press. He only stated that no agreement has been made with the two Western sides on the number of centrifuges or Arak and Fordo facilities.”

He further said the lawmakers heed the Supreme Leader’s agreement to the extension of nuclear negotiations, but "We are not optimistic about the talks and we believe that in the past one year, Iran has gained nothing.”

Another lawmaker speaking to Mehr new agency also on condition of anonymity reported Zarif as saying "Some offers had been made. First I decided to get back to Iran to receive consultation about them, but at the end, since nothing new had been offered, I decided to stay in Vienna and continue the talks.”


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