The Reaction of al-Nujaba to the Double Standards of the West: Conscienceless who call anti-Takfiri resistance ‘terrorism’ send militants to Ukraine

Young journalists club

News ID: 56097
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:40 - 01 March 2022
Tuesday, 1 March 2022 (YJC)_ In response to Western governments’ support for sending European militants to the Ukrainian battlefront, al-Shammari and al-Asadi noted that these same arrogant and blind-conscienced individuals call those fighters defending the holy shrines and Islamic sanctities “terrorists.”

The Reaction of al-Nujaba to the Double Standards of the West: Conscienceless who call anti-Takfiri resistance ‘terrorism’ send militants to UkraineAccording to the website of the representative office of al-Nujaba in Iran, two high-ranking members of the al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement, while referring to the support of Western governments for Ukraine in its war with Russia, condemned their double standards towards Islamic countries.

In a tweet, Nasr al-Shammari, the official spokesman for al-Nujaba noted, “When the Iraqi mujahidin (warriors) stood up to defend their beliefs and sanctities and maintain national security in Syria in the face of the dirtiest and most stubborn forms of international terrorism, the Western world – which claims culture and neutrality – directed all kinds of slander, organized sanctions and media attacks against us.”

al-Shammari continued, “Now [the Western world] is using all its resources and preparing its borders for citizens who volunteer for war outside their own lands, while this campaign is between the two neighbouring countries.”

He concluded by emphasizing that “this story confirms our view of a blind conscience and an arrogant view of the Western world” and explained, “May God have mercy on the martyrs of the Resistance who defended the holy shines and the holy places. Shame on anyone who spoke against them and taunted them and refused to help them. Recent events may cause them to reconsider their shameful positions.”

In a separate message, the chairman of the Political Council of al-Nujaba criticized the deviant and unilateralist policies of the Western countries, led by the United States and the United Kingdom, and wrote, “When men from the Islamic Resistance groups in Syria stood up to defend their sanctities, beliefs and national security, and while their movement was accompanied by the request of the Syrian government, brazen and blind [Western] policies considered them as terrorists and interferers in the affairs of other countries!”

Shaykh Ali al-Asadi condemned the British Foreign Secretary for welcoming the Ukrainian government’s call for the presence of foreign fighters – including the British – in the fight against Russia, and emphasized, “This is a [instructive] message for the traitorous and negligent Arabs and the mercenaries who follow them.”

In appreciation of the martyrdom-centred commander of the Resistance, he ended his Twitter post with the hashtag #HowGreatYouAreOhSoleimani .

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