Hezbollah official: US policy in Lebanon is a barrier to solutions and blackmail

Young journalists club

News ID: 56088
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:23 - 28 February 2022
Monday, 28 February 2022 (YJC)_ Hezbollah's deputy chairman of the executive council said the United States was blocking any solution to the Lebanese crisis, and that Washington's goal was to blackmail and control Lebanon.

Hezbollah official: US policy in Lebanon is a barrier to solutions and blackmailSheikh Ali Dammoush, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council of Hezbollah in Lebanon, announced at a ceremony held in Sidon on the occasion of Eid al-revelation:
The resistance that takes its culture, power and will from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his pure family will overcome all difficulties and hardships.

Sheikh Damoush further referred to the US intervention in the internal affairs of Lebanon and said:
The United States and its allies, as well as its tools in parties and associations, as well as some Lebanese personalities, are spending millions of dollars inside Lebanon; Of course, not to help the people get out of the crisis, but to distort the image of the resistance and incite the Lebanese against each other and destroy their relations. The resistance, on the other hand, has spent millions of dollars on social services in Lebanon, and has spent more than $ 20 million on fueling and heating Lebanese homes in all areas.

The Hezbollah official stressed:
Some betting on US support is a mirage, and the US will never offer a way out of Lebanon's crisis. If the United States really wanted to support Lebanon and help the Lebanese, it could have done so by simply lifting the siege, lifting the sanctions, and allowing its allies to support Lebanon.

He continued:
But we see that the United States is standing in the way of Lebanon's friendly countries, such as Russia, Iran, and China, which have expressed their desire to help our country with electricity, energy extraction, and infrastructure construction; Because it wants to extort money from Lebanon and put it under its tutelage, influence and hegemony.

Hezbollah Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council emphasized:
In the face of American arrogance, the Lebanese have no choice but to rely on their own capabilities and the right policies to get out of the crisis. This is the only way we can build our country, but those who count on the outside world can neither build their country nor gain sovereignty and independence.

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