Vatican implicit request to remove Hezbollah from US terrorist list

Young journalists club

News ID: 55933
Publish Date: 11:01 - 18 February 2022
Friday, 18 February 2022 (YJC)_ A Lebanese newspaper reported that the Vatican Foreign Minister had mentioned the removal of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement from the US terrorist list at a meeting in Beirut.

Vatican implicit request to remove Hezbollah from US terrorist listChurches have reported that Vatican Foreign Minister Paul Richard Gallagher met with Beirut church officials and Lebanese political officials last month to discuss Hezbollah and its internal and regional relations with the movement.

According to a report today (Friday) by Al-Akhbar newspaper, the Vatican envoy mentioned the role of Hezbollah in the development of Lebanon during a diplomatic meeting on his mission, which came as a surprise to some Lebanese circles.

The Lebanese newspaper added that the Vatican envoy spoke during the meeting about the importance of talks with Hezbollah on the internal situation in Lebanon and the "improvement" of relations with the movement as a Shiite group and one of the main groups in Lebanon. According to the report, Paul Gallagher also spoke about the need to "reassure" Hezbollah at home and abroad, noting that removing Hezbollah from the US and some other countries' terrorist lists would soften the atmosphere and improve relations with the movement. .

The report goes on to say that paragraph 93 of the Holy Guidelines for Lebanon, entitled Solidarity with the Arab World:
The Catholic Church welcomes dialogue and cooperation with Lebanese Muslims and wants to welcome dialogue and cooperation with Muslims in other Arab countries and Lebanon as an integral part of it.

According to the report, the paragraph emphasizes Lebanese Arabism, relations with all Muslims, as well as Lebanese identity and the importance of dialogue between Christians and Muslims. Al-Akhbar says that, citing the paragraph and the Vatican's remarks, Christians have been encouraged to consult with Hezbollah as the Lebanese Shiite representative and to have a purposeful dialogue.

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