Khatibzadeh: Results of S. Korea Talks Significant Impact on Future Relations

Young journalists club

News ID: 55920
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:49 - 17 February 2022
Thursday, 17 February 2022 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that result of the recent talks with South Korea will have significant impact on future ties.

Khatibzadeh: Results of S. Korea Talks Significant Impact on Future RelationsIranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said that the future of the ties between Tehran and Seoul will be significantly affected by the result of the recent talks with South Korea on Tehran's frozen assets.

“Iran's expert delegation, including oil and banking experts, held talks with South Korean companies and officials in Seoul,” he noted while adding this took place after a meeting between the deputy foreign ministers of Iran and South Korea in Vienna.

According to Khatibzadeh, during the talk, Iranian team emphasized unfreezing Iran's frozen funds in South Korea and “the results of this meeting can be considered as a trial for the seriousness of South Korea to solve the existing problems. Selling oil and natural-gas condensate to South Korea and investing South Korean companies in Iran's economic projects are among the ways South Korea should invest in.”

Earlier this week, Iranian and South Korean officials held a meeting in Seoul to discuss ways to free Tehran’s frozen assets in South Korea.

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