Canada: We give Ukraine deadly weapons

Young journalists club

News ID: 55887
Publish Date: 13:05 - 15 February 2022
Tuesday, 15 February 2022 (YJC)_ The Prime Minister of Canada, while accusing Russia of Ukraine, announced that Ottawa would provide $ 7.8 million in "deadly weapons" to Kiev.

Canada: We give Ukraine deadly weaponsConcurrent with Western tensions with Russia, claiming that the country was preparing to attack Ukraine, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced economic and arms aid to Ukraine.

According to Canadian media reports, the Prime Minister of the country during his speech on Monday (yesterday) in the capital Ottawa announced that the Canadian government intends to provide financial and weapons assistance to Ukraine to defend itself against the "Russian threat".

According to Citizen News Canada, Justin Trudeau spoke at a news conference in the parliament building about the current situation on the Ukrainian-Russian border and pledged that Canada would continue to defend Ukraine against Russian threats.

Reiterating claims by the United States and its allies that Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Canada announced that Canada would provide a $ 500 million loan and $ 7.8 million worth of "deadly weapons" to Ukraine.

According to the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, this loan and arms assistance is separate from the previous promise of the Canadian government to provide a $ 120 million loan and non-lethal weapons to Ukraine.

Justin Trudeau said he had a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinsky on Saturday this week, reiterating Canada's commitment to supporting Ukraine in the face of recent tensions with Russia.

He said repeated consultations with leaders of European countries and Canada's allies in recent days, adding that the government's decision to send deadly weapons was made at Ukraine's request, and that the United States, Britain, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Poland They have provided weapons to Ukraine.

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