al-Nujaba: We will not stop supporting the Bahraini people until the Al Khalifah regime is overthrown/ al-Nujaba supports the revolutionaries on the battlefield and through the media

Young journalists club

News ID: 55882
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 6:26 - 15 February 2022
Tuesday, 15 February 2022 (YJC)_ On the ۱۱th anniversary of the national uprising of the Bahraini people, the al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement emphasized the movement’s battlefield and media support for the revolutionaries and announced that it would not stop supporting the Bahraini people until the Al Khalifah regime’s leaders and mercenaries were overthrown and tried.

al-Nujaba: We will not stop supporting the Bahraini people until the Al Khalifah regime is overthrown/ al-Nujaba supports the revolutionaries on the battlefield and through the mediaAccording to the website of the representative office of al-Nujaba in Iran, on the ۱۱th anniversary of the Bahraini people’s revolution against the oppressive Al Khalifah regime, Iraq’s al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement issued a statement criticizing the international human rights organizations that have forgotten the popular uprising, “We feel the blood of the Bahraini martyrs, the tears of the widows who stand like palms, and the resistance of the prisoners in prison and under the torture of the oppressors, a feeling of pride, hope, patience and trust in God Almighty.”

The statement summed up the brutal and criminal acts of the ruling regime in Bahrain, from the suppression of liberties to the massacre, trials, intimidation of innocent families, deprivation of citizenship, the establishment of martial law and the violation of human values, stating, “We in the Islamic Resistance believe that the silence of the responsible international organizations, as well as the indifference of the countries that base the discourse of democracy and freedom on the crimes of this regime, confirms our belief that the conscience of these institutions and governments is blind and shows that they see nothing but their interests with a one-sided view.”

The al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement described the Bahraini people as the pioneers of the oppressed people who strive for freedom and the realization of justice, security, and peace and emphasized that the movement stands by the will of the Bahraini brothers, saying, “There is not a day that we do not see the image of the martyrs and veterans of this patient nation, as well as the courageous resistance of the Bahraini revolutionaries, prisoners and faithful women.”

At the end of the statement, al-Nujaba stated, “We will not abandon our battlefield and media support for the brotherly nation of Bahrain for a single day, and we will rush to support them in every possible way until this criminal tyrannical regime overthrown and tried and the demands of the dear people of Bahrain are met.”

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