Ambassador: Iran Not to Accept Sanctions

Young journalists club

News ID: 55855
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:12 - 12 February 2022
Saturday, 12 February 2022 (YJC)_ Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad said the country is not to accept the language of threat or sanctions.

Ambassador: Iran Not to Accept SanctionsIn his remarks the occasion of 43rd glorious victory anniversary of Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979, Iran’s Ambassador to Iraq, Iraj Masjedi said the country is not to accept the language of threat or sanctions.

“What we want is to lift all anti-Iranian sanctions and amicable ties with all countries of the region,” he said.

He went on to note that “Mutual respect, sovereignty and common interests are the basis of the Iran-Iraq relations. We support Iraq in defeating terrorism and eliminating ISIL terrorist groups.”

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