Foreign Ministry Public Relations Description Following the release of a video of a former employee of the Kenyan Embassy in Tehran

Young journalists club

News ID: 55814
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:00 - 09 February 2022
Wednesday, 9 February 2022 (YJC)_ In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Public Relations described the actions taken against the former employee of the Kenyan Embassy in Tehran and stated: The counter-revolutionary and foreign-language media are trying to use any subject to hurt the public mind.

Foreign Ministry Public Relations Description Following the release of a video of a former employee of the Kenyan Embassy in TehranThe Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has issued a statement regretting some attempts to create a current against the Islamic Republic of Iran by abusing the release of a video of an Iranian woman who previously worked at the Kenyan Embassy in Tehran.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the counter-revolutionary and Persian-language media are trying to use any subject to hurt the public mind.

The announcement states:
In the case of the former Iranian employee of the Kenyan Embassy, ​​the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has pursued the matter comprehensively, flawlessly and far from the margins, and all possible administrative measures, including summoning litigants, facilitating the exchange of correspondence and judicial communication, hearing opinions and allegations Finally, it has done its best to make suggestions to both parties regarding the complaint.

This announcement adds:
Also holding a meeting to receive information and requests of the former embassy employee and his legal lawyer, inviting the Kenyan ambassador to clarify the dimensions of the issue, requesting the ambassador to appoint a full-fledged representative in this regard, orally and in writing communicating the former Iranian employee's demands to the ambassador And his appointed representative, holding a meeting with the Plenipotentiary Representative, as well as holding a meeting with the Embassy Financial and Accounting Representative on the issue of payments, was another part of the State Department's actions in the area of ​​responsibilities defined in this regard.

The foreign ministry's public relations office added:
Of course, it is clear that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not have the authority to intervene in lawsuits and cases, and all actions have been taken within the framework of diplomatic interactions. Considering that according to the principles of the Constitution and the principle of independence of powers, as well as the Law on Duties of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved in 1985, this ministry is not competent to substantiate cases that have a judicial aspect, this part of the case is referred to the judiciary. The court also reportedly rejected the plaintiff's allegation of defamation due to lack of sufficient evidence.

The foreign ministry Public Relations also added:
According to the announcement of the Kenyan Embassy in Tehran, changes have been made in the employment status of some local staff of this embassy and it has become a permanent contract in the form of an annual contract. Based on this, the annual contract of the above-mentioned local employee ended on July 31 of the previous year, the settlement was made and even notarized consent was obtained from him in this regard.

At the end of this statement:
Efforts have been made to examine all aspects of personal, administrative, financial, legal and judicial matters with full scrutiny over several months. Obviously, if this citizen still has a complaint, he should pursue the matter through his legal and judicial channels.

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