Lebanon: We will not give up our naval rights against Israel

Young journalists club

News ID: 55753
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:33 - 05 February 2022
Saturday, 5 February 2022 (YJC)_ In a letter to the United Nations, the Lebanese government emphasized its right to a maritime resource against the Zionist regime.

Lebanon: We will not give up our naval rights against IsraelIn a letter to the United Nations, Beirut reiterated its right to exploit God-given resources, following Israeli opposition to the start of Lebanese operations in Block 9 of the oil field on the border with the occupied territories.

According to al-Mayadin, the letter was written early last week, stating that the Lebanese government will adhere to the positions of the Lebanese negotiating team on the border with occupied Palestine. The letter also reached the United Nations a few days before the US government's mediator arrived in Beirut.

Addressing UN officials, Beirut has stressed that the Karish gas field is still in dispute and does not belong to the Zionist regime in any way.

In September, the Lebanese Foreign Ministry complained to the UN Security Council following reports that the US company Halliburton had won drilling in the disputed area between Lebanon and the Zionist regime.

The Israeli Ministry of Energy claimed on January 26 that US-mediated border demarcation talks would resume soon. Negotiations that have been stalled since May 4, following insistence from both sides on the basis of their geographical map.

According to a plan submitted to the United Nations by the Tel Aviv regime in 2011, the disputed sea area is 860 square kilometers, but Lebanon objected to this plan, presenting its plan, which showed the disputed area as 1430 square kilometers. According to that, "Karish" oil field is one of the disputed areas.

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