An American student was shot dead in front of a school

Young journalists club

News ID: 55713
Publish Date: 10:03 - 02 February 2022
Wednesday, 2 February 2022 (YJC)_ At least one student has been killed and another injured in a shooting near a school in the US state of Minnesota.

An American student was shot dead in front of a schoolA shooting at a Southern training center in Richfield, Minnesota, on the outskirts of Minneapolis, has injured at least one student and injured another, who is said to be in critical condition. Police said that two suspects were arrested hours after the shooting.

The New York Times reported that local police reported that a shooting occurred around noon local time near the entrance to the South Richfield Education Center, a school that accommodates about 200 students with special learning needs and ranged in age from 21 to kindergarten. It has happened.

Police say it is not yet clear what caused the shooting or whether it was the main target of the students. The body of the student victim of the incident was found on the sidewalk in front of the school, and his identity has not yet been revealed due to the lack of information to his family.

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