The price of oil became $ 90 after 7 years

Young journalists club

News ID: 55633
Publish Date: 12:01 - 27 January 2022
Thursday, 27 January 2022 (YJC)_ Yesterday, the price of oil reached its highest level in the last 7 years.

The price of oil became $ 90 after 7 yearsBrent North Sea crude traded up about $ 2 a barrel, hitting $ 90 a barrel yesterday, but closed at $ 89.38, down 73 cents.

US light crude traded at $ 86.66. The OPEC oil basket traded at $ 87.35 in recent trading.

Rising tensions on the Ukrainian-Russian border, rising global oil demand and declining producer power have been cited as the main reasons for rising oil prices.

oil ، price ، barrel
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