Washington and Tel Aviv Security Advisers consult on Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 55627
Publish Date: 11:24 - 27 January 2022
Thursday, 27 January 2022 (YJC)_ During a videoconference session, US advisers to US and Israeli leaders discussed the strengthening of security ties between Tel Aviv and Washington, as well as the need to halt its nuclear program.

Washington and Tel Aviv Security Advisers consult on IranWhite House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met Wednesday night with Zionist regime's internal security adviser Eyal Holata via video conference.

The White House said in a statement:
A virtual meeting of the US-Israel Strategic Advisory Group (SCG) was convened. They were joined by senior representatives of foreign policy, the military, and related intelligence agencies. The two sides discussed future military training exercises and welcomed US oversight of a recent Israeli air drill.

The statement noted that Iran was also one of the main topics of discussion:
The officials also discussed important regional developments since the previous meeting in December, including progress on Iran's nuclear program. Sullivan stressed that while the United States remains committed to diplomacy as the best tool to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, it is also preparing alternatives in coordination with its partners in the event of a failed diplomacy.

According to the statement, officials in Washington and Tel Aviv also agreed that they would remain in close coordination on the full range of issues of mutual interest and remain united in the face of all threats to their security.

"The meeting is important because the White House is more focused on Ukraine and negotiations with Iran are a high priority, and at the same time the government of Joe Biden believes that time is needed," Axius news site reported. Allocate more to consult with Tel Aviv.

Axius wrote, quoting US and Zionist officials, that the consultations at the virtual meeting included discussions on the status of the Vienna talks and the strategy for moving forward.

However, the office of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime has not yet answered questions about this meeting.

According to the report, senior Israeli officials also told Axius:
Even after today's talks, they continue to worry that the Ukraine crisis will divert international attention from the Iranian nuclear crisis and make US-Russian cooperation more difficult.

With the start of a new round of talks on lifting sanctions in Vienna between Tehran and the parties to the JCPOA, which is being withdrawn with the presence of the United States as a member, Israeli officials, along with their Western partners, have resumed rhetoric and espionage against these talks.

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett reiterated hostile claims that Iran was a sponsor of terrorism and a source of instability, saying in his latest ridiculous claim that Tehran was weaker than it seemed.

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