Iranian commander says Navy equipped with advanced torpedo

Young journalists club

News ID: 5561
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:48 - 22 November 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iran’s naval commander on Saturday said that the country has successfully test-fired a new type of state-of-the-art torpedo in the country's southern waters.
"The weapon improves our maritime combat power and is going to be highly effective,” Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said at a press conference in Tehran on Saturday.

Sayyari also stated that two anti-submarine helicopters, an anti-surface helicopter and a hovercraft have been added to the Navy’s fleet.

The naval commander also reiterated the complete overhaul of five missile-launching frigates of Fath-class warships, and equipping them with surface-to-surface missiles, unveiling two other missile-launching frigates, and a new 3D radar system called "Asr” as the latest achievements of the Iranian naval force.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Sayyari noted that the homegrown Fateh and Damavan destroyers will be unveiled soon.

He also pointed out that the Navy will stage a series large-scale naval exercises, named "Velayat 93” off the Coast of Makran, in the Sea of Oman in December.

Back in February, Sayyari had announced that the naval forces were working on three upgraded versions of Jamaran-class warships, known as Jamaran-3, 4 and 5.

The indigenous destroyer is now operational and in service and has been employed for various naval missions.

The Navy’s 32nd fleet of warcraft, which departed for the Gulf of Aden in November to protect the country's cargo ships and oil tankers in the international waters, is accompanied by a Jamaran destroyer as well.

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