"Mohammad al-Bakhiti," a member of Ansarullah's political bureau, said today (Monday) after Operation Asar al-Yaman (Yemen Storm 2):
The UAE did not heed our advice to leave the Yemeni war.
In an interview with Al-Mayadin, he advised investors in the UAE to leave the UAE because it is no longer a safe country.
Al-Bakhiti emphasized:
The UAE will be another battlefield and the value of investments in the UAE will reach zero.
He added:
The UAE is no longer a neutral point in the region after intervening in the Yemeni war, it did not learn and act according to its interests.
Al-Bakhiti emphasized:
The Yemeni armed forces were more patient with the UAE than with Saudi Arabia to give the country a chance to retreat. Attacks on Yemen are US-Israeli attacks, but Saudi Arabia and the UAE are tools and pay a high price.
He continued:
The Yemeni forces do not target the civilian centers in the UAE at all and consider the UAE people as their brothers.
Al-Bakhiti added:
The escalation of tension is not from Yemen and the axis of resistance, but from the United States and its axis. The American axis will be the biggest loser in any future battle.