Official: Iran, Russia, China to Hold Joint Naval Drill on Friday

Young journalists club

News ID: 55545
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:46 - 20 January 2022
Thursday, 20 January 2022 (YJC)_ A spokesperson for the 2022 Marine Security Belt drills announced that a joint drill will be held by Iran, Russia and China on Friday.

Official: Iran, Russia, China to Hold Joint Naval Drill on FridayAccording to the spokesperson for the 2022 Marine Security Belt drills, Second Admiral Mostafa Tajoddini a joint drill will be held by Iran, Russia and China on Friday.

This exercise will be in the North of the Indian Ocean and is the third joint naval drills to be held by these three countries.

“The floating units from China and Russia as long as surface and aviation units of the Navy of Iran's Army will participate in this drill,” he said while noting that “The purpose of the exercises is to expand multilateral cooperation between Iran, China, and Russia.”

“Rescuing a floating vessel, releasing a hijacked vessel, shooting at specific targets, shooting at air targets at night, and other operational exercises,” are among the exercises listed to be done in the drill.

The slogan of the drill is “Together for Peace and Security" to carry the message of peace and friendship, and it is to be done in an area of ​​17,000 square kilometers.

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