Kuwaiti and US foreign ministers discuss regional developments

Young journalists club

News ID: 55515
Publish Date: 13:00 - 18 January 2022
Tuesday, 18 January 2022 (YJC)_ In a telephone call with his Kuwaiti counterpart, the US Secretary of State reviewed the situation in the region.

Kuwaiti and US foreign ministers discuss regional developmentsUS Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke by telephone Monday night with his Kuwaiti counterpart Ahmed al-Nasser.

Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported that the two sides discussed bilateral relations, strategic partnership and ways to strengthen and develop these relations to achieve the common interests of the two countries.

The US and Kuwaiti foreign ministers also reviewed the latest regional and international developments and issues of common concern.

The United States and Kuwait have strong ties, especially in security and military cooperation, and the United States has a large military base in Kuwait with more than 9,000 US troops stationed there.

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