Survey; American support for lifting sanctions on Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 55415
Publish Date: 12:07 - 10 January 2022
Monday, 10 January 2022 (YJC)_ According to a new poll by the Morning Consulting Institute, a majority of American voters support the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and many believe that sanctions against Iran should be lifted.

Survey; American support for lifting sanctions on IranAccording to a new Morning Consulting poll, a majority of American voters continue to support the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, with many saying in a poll on the eve of the resumption of the Vienna talks with the new Iranian government that a reduction in sanctions against Iran would lead to a resumption. There will be negotiations, this must happen.

In this poll, 56% of the participants expressed their support for Borjam, 18% had no opinion and 26% were against it. They also supported a 42 percent majority in lifting sanctions against Iran to start negotiations, while 23 percent had no opinion and 35 percent opposed it.

According to the poll, this support was given while the majority with little difference said that a new agreement may not prevent the development of nuclear weapons by Tehran.

The December 28-29 poll shows widespread support for the 2015 Iran deal, but the framework is crucial: While Republican voters almost disagree on the principle of the deal, they They largely support Trump's unilateral decision to step down less than three years after the move.

According to the report, based on the results, approximately 4 out of 5 American voters claimed that they were concerned about Iran's production of nuclear weapons, and North Korea and China were more concerned about this issue. And Iran was in third place.

Two out of three American voters polled by the Morning Consult also said they would support an increase in economic sanctions against Iran if talks in Vienna fail, even though some experts deny their value.

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