Russian nuclear submarine collides with a British ship in the North Atlantic

Young journalists club

News ID: 55367
Publish Date: 11:11 - 07 January 2022
Friday, 7 January 2022 (YJC)_ A Russian nuclear submarine collided with part of a British warship in Arctic waters in 2020, British media reported on Thursday evening.

Russian nuclear submarine collides with a British ship in the North AtlanticA Royal Navy warship has collided with a Russian submarine, British media reported on Thursday.

According to The Sun, the British warship Echhammus Northumberland was sent to search for a Russian submarine capable of carrying nuclear torpedoes 200 km north of Scotland, and for this purpose it released a cable covered with a hydrophone (the diameter of a gutter).

The newspaper quoted an informed person as saying:
The crew was forced to return to their base for repairs due to the British ship's sonar cable hitting the hull of the Russian submarine and being pulled on it.

The Sun quoted the then commander of the British warship as saying:
The question is whether this happened intentionally or just an accident.

The newspaper quoted a spokesman for the British Ministry of Defense as saying:
In late 2020, a Russian submarine was tracked by Achhamas Northumberland and struck with a cable attached to it.

Although the incident took place about a year ago, it was first covered by the British media on Thursday. According to the media, such an incident is unprecedented since the Cold War.

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