Hezbollah official: The blood of Martyr Soleimani is a new birth for the axis of resistance

Young journalists club

News ID: 55329
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:09 - 03 January 2022
Monday, 3 January 2022 (YJC)_ Sheikh Nabil Qawooq announced at the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Sardar Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, which was held in Sidon, that the blood of Martyr Soleimani marked a new birth for the axis of resistance.

Hezbollah official: The blood of Martyr Soleimani is a new birth for the axis of resistanceYesterday, Hezbollah celebrated the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Generals "Qassem Soleimani" and "Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandes" by holding a large ceremony at the Allama Sheikh "Abdul Amir Qaban" Hall in Sidon.

The ceremony was attended by Sheikh Nabil Qawouq, a member of the Lebanese Hezbollah Central Council, Abbas Khameh Yar, the cultural advisor to the Islamic Republic of Iran in Beirut, and representatives of Lebanese parties and Palestinian Islamic and national groups. A group of clerics, political, social, and civil activists, as well as a large number of people from the Sidon region, also attended the ceremony.

Sheikh Qawooq announced in a speech at the ceremony that with the martyrdom of Sardar Qassem Soleimani, the axis of resistance was reborn. With his blood, Sardar Soleimani marked a new birth for the axis of resistance, which created a strategic change in the equation of conflict with the Zionist enemy in Lebanon and Palestine. The enemy assassinated Soleimani after feeling threatened by the strategies, equations and surprise actions.

The Hezbollah official added that one of the most important achievements of Martyr Soleimani was that he was able to surround the enemy with precision missiles from all sides, and these missiles surrounded the Zionist regime from Gaza and Lebanon to Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. We now see that the Zionist regime's Knesset and the Ministry of War and all its strategic facilities throughout the occupied territories are under the target of precision-guided missiles.

A member of the Lebanese Hezbollah Central Council continued:
The enemies decided to assassinate Sardar Soleimani because for the first time in history, after arming the resistance with strategic weapons, he created an existential threat to the Zionist regime, which has created a new equation in the balance of deterrence and balance of forces.

He stressed that the formation of the Axis of Resistance across the countries of the region is an advanced step in establishing a million-strong army for the liberation of Palestine. Thanks to the soul of Martyr Soleimani, the axis of resistance will achieve a great victory in any war it enters.

Referring to the difference between Iran's assistance and sacrifices to Palestine and the actions of some Arab countries to normalize relations with the Zionist enemy, which is a dagger in the hearts of the Palestinians, Sheikh Qawwq said that Lebanon still stands by the Palestinian resistance and opposes the compromisers. Is. We will never betray Palestine, no matter how much we are under siege and targeted by political, media and economic attacks.

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